Bollywood to release first gay film.

Bollywood to release first gay film.

While India’s Bollywood film industry once avoided even heterosexual kissing, it is now releasing its first gay film in hopes of breaking taboos and spreading awareness of homosexuality throughout the country.

Arkansas revokes gay adoption ban.

Arkansas revokes gay adoption ban.

The 2008 law that prevented gay couples from adopting was ruled unconstitutional Friday by Arkansas judge, Christopher Piazza, who said the law should not exist in the state.

Huckabee speaks out against gays.

Huckabee speaks out against gays.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has grabbed the attention of millions on the web after the release of an interview with a New Jersey college magazine last week where he compared gay marriage to incest, polygamy, and drug use.

College teacher violates anti-gay school policies.

College teacher violates anti-gay school policies.

According to administrators at a California city college, a science professor at the school made discriminatory remarks in class when he referred to homosexuality as a mental disorder that needs to be treated.