Critics in Maine accuse gay marriage supporters as 'radical groups.'

Three representatives from Maine Grassroots Coalition, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and Mass Resistance gathered in Maine's State House to charge the "extreme groups" with agendas outside of gay marriage.
Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, an anti-gay group.
Peter LaBarbera is president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, an anti-gay group.

AUGUSTA, Maine—Anti-gay groups assembled yesterday to preach about the threat of the “homosexual agenda.”

Three representatives from Maine Grassroots Coalition, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and Mass Resistance gathered in Maine’s State House to charge the “extreme groups” with agendas outside of gay marriage.

Speakers said legalization of gay marriage will lead to the indoctrination of homosexuality in students.

“Very clearly there is already a very aggressive agenda in the schools,” said Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth. The comment came following a discussion about a news report of a teacher answering a student’s question on her relationship with her partner. “Homosexual so-called marriage only fuels that agenda. It institutionalizes it so that there can be no difference in how this aber-rant form of ‘marriage’ is compared to the real thing.”

LaBarbera also claimed that the “homosexual agenda” also includes the legalization of public sex and prostitution.

The media event came less than a week before Maine voters vote at the ballot box on Measure 1 — whether to reverse Maine’s gay marriage law passed in May.

To read more about this article visit The Bangor Daily News.

– Simon Husted

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