Huckabee supports anti-gay marriage Iowa Governor candidate

Mike Huckabee visited Iowa yesterday to rally support for a governor candidate who hopes to end gay marriage in the state.
Aside from being a former Arkansas Governor and FOX News TV personality, Huckabee also ran for president in the 2008 GOP primaries. (courtesy of

Mike Huckabee visited Iowa yesterday to rally support for a governor candidate who hopes to end gay marriage in the state.

The former Arkansas governor and Fox News TV personality spoke to 100 people at an Iowa Family Political Action Committee fundraiser. The PAC group is one of the leading groups trying to reverse a judicial ruling in April 2009 that legalized same-sex marriage.

“If Bob were governor, Iowa would not be one of those states that people scratched their heads and say, ‘They have same-sex marriage?’” Huckabee said of Iowa republican candidate, Bob Vander Plaats, at the fundraiser.

Plaats has been quoted in saying if he is elected, he plans to halt all same-sex marriages until the public votes on it.  Most analysts said such a move  is illegal.

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