Online gay-friendly high school launching in January

GLBTQ Online High School, will be an online high school that GLBTQ students can exclusively attend from the comfort of their homes.

There are plans in progress to launch a GLBTQ online high school in January 2010. David Glick, the first online learning coordinator at the Minnesota Department of Education, is the person behind the school based in Maplewood, Minn., reported the Pioneer Press.

The purpose of the GLBTQ Online High School is to “reach out to students who live in rural areas that do not have accesses to resources.” Many people are worried the school will only create a more prominent sense of isolation, but Glick said this will help protect the students from violence and hopefully “act as a safe-haven.”

GLBTQ Online High School advertisement photo from
GLBTQ Online High School advertisement photo from

The school will function via videos, chats, graphics and other media sources. The curriculum will also be more “GLBTQ-Friendly” by highlighting figures in gay rights history.

For the complete article go here.

To look at the GLBTQ Online High School go here.

— Katelynd Jarvis

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