Public Service Announcements: The new, hip form of activism

University of Akron's LGBT student organization, Akron LGBTU, recently produced two PSAs.

I can always trust on viral Public Service Announcements to steal my attention and distract it from anything important that I need to get done. I’m not just talking about the PSAs Facebook friends post on my newsfeed. Some weeks I shamelessly log on to Youtube and Vimeo and spend hours searching for PSAs I haven’t seen before, or haven’t seen enough of. They don’t even need to be about topics I care about. (My latest obsession is this one from Ryan James Yuzek)

What’s even more exciting than watching public service announcements, is being apart of them.

I recently took part in two Public Service Announcements Akron LGBTU organized.



In this video, Editor Greg Porter, and members from Akron LGBTU voice their disapproval with St. Petersburg’s new law that criminalizes anyone who talks positively about the LGBT community in front of minors.


And in this video, Greg, members of Akron LGBTU and I share a message encouraging others to do more than tell someone “it gets better.” Many times, people have to actually make things better.

Have you participated in a public service announcement? Post it in our comments below.

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