Sir Elton John encourages safe sex at a young age

Elton John expresses celebrating young, safe sex in an anthology released last Thursday.

In an anthology of letters written by celebrities to their younger selves, Sir Elton John admits he wishes he did not wait until he was 23 to lose his virginity. The book ,released last Thursday, is titled, “Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self” by Joseph Galliano.

Sir Elton John, artist and AIDS activist, expresses in a letter written to him at 16 he wishes he lost his virginity before 23. Photo courtesy of
Sir Elton John, artist and AIDS activist, expresses in a letter written to himself at 16 he wishes he lost his virginity before 23. Photo courtesy of

The artist and prominent AIDS activist expresses the need to celebrate safe sex while enjoying sexuality at a young age.

“My advice to you is to never chase love,” John writes in his letter. “It will find you when you least expect it. Have fun, have lots of safe sex and enjoy your sexuality. Be proud of who you are. I made a lot of mistakes. Stay away from drugs, they’re a waste of time. Stand up for every human being’s rights. Be loving, kind and strong. Set an example. You’re going to have one hell of a life!”

He stresses practicing safe sex but also wishing he had the experience while he was younger.

“I made the mistake of not having sex until I was 23!” John told the United Kingdom Web site PinkNews. “I loved being with another man and felt relieved that I finally knew who I was. I made the mistake of falling in love too soon because I was naive and romantic.”

The anthology also includes celebrity passages from Yoko Ono, Annie Lennox and William Young.

Read the full article here.

Kim Brown

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