This Week in Gay

Loyal, intelligent, beautiful, fabulous. All these words have been used to describe you, my beloved readers, but now our short time together is coming to an end. So, in celebration of the oodles of fun we've had together, I present to you: THE NEWS!

A hearing has been set for June 13 on whether a ruling that struck down California’s gay marriage ban, Proposition 8, should be thrown out because the judge recently revealed he has been in a steady relationship with another man for 10 years.

Marines are being primed to accept their openly gay comrades as the 17-year-old DADT policy approaches its last days.

A D.C. cab driver kicked a middle aged gay couple out of his car after they kissed in his backseat. He then had the gall to demand $6.35 for the ride.

Former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, who resigned after admitting to being a “gay American” in 2004 and to cheating on his wife, has had his priestly aspirations put on indefinite hold by the Episcopal Church.

After only two years, Texas lawmakers are trying to strip away the marriage rights of transgendered couples.

And now, as a parting gift, I present to you this montage of awkwardness, comedy, and confusion:Card Crusher


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