Tufts students take a purity-esque marriage pledge

Tufts University students Tuesday took a marriage pledge as part of their campus' Queer Straight Alliance National Marriage Boycott.
Equality rings offered to those who sign a pact to wait for marriage until gays can do so. (Courtesy of National Marriage Boycott)

Tufts University students Tuesday took a marriage pledge as part of their campus’ Queer Straight Alliance National Marriage Boycott, the Tufts Daily reported.

The National Marriage Boycott is a purity-pledge like event where students sign pledges to not marry until all Americans are able to, according to the site. Participants who signed the pledge received an equality ring.

Tufts Daily states the National Marriage Boycott began as a protest to the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, and members advocate for its repeal.

For the original Tufts Daily article, click here.

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