U.S. House introduces Student Non-discrimination Act

The U.S. House introduced legislation making it illegal to discriminate against students in regards to actual or perceived sexual orientation today.
Human Rights Campaign Logo - Courtesy of hrc.org

WASHINGTON D.C. — The U.S. House introduced legislation making it illegal to discriminate against students in regards to actual or perceived sexual orientation today.

The Student Non-discrimination Act of 2010, introduced by Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO), is meant to protect students who may face bullying from fellow students or lack of concern from administrators regarding their sexual orientation or gender identity, the Human Rights Campaign Web site stated. Currently, federal protection from this type of discrimination in schools is nonexistent.

“No student should have to be fearful when walking through the doors of their school,” Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese said on his organization’s Web site. “[T]his legislation would require immediate and appropriate action to stop the discrimination that our youth have endured for far too long.”

To read more on this developing legislation, visit the HRC Web site.

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