30,000 Rome demonstrators walk against gay violence in city and Italy

30,000 demonstrators marched through Rome Thursday against gay violence.

Protestors in Rome gathered Thursday to criticize violence against gays in the city and across Italy. The demonstration collected 30,000 protesters on the walk that ended at the Colosseum.

Groups and politicians from all of Italy’s main political parties joined together against the stabbing, bombing and beating violence against gays, according to the Associate Press reported on Advocate.com.

One of the groups included Roman mayor Gianni Alemanno. Alemanno is a right-wing and former neo-fascist but walked with a banner reading, “Rome is against intolerance and all racism.” He has also proposed action for anti-discrimination laws against gay people.

To read the full article from Advocate.com, click here.

Protestors in Rome marched for protection of gays in the city and across Italy Thursday. Photo courtesy of Advocate.com
Protestors in Rome marched for protection of gays in the city and across Italy Thursday. Photo courtesy of Advocate.com

Kim Brown

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