Yes that is a picture of Robert Downey Jr. with a woman’s 1960s haircut. Yeah, just kind of go with it. My mind is an odd place to be on a normal basis. Today ,I’ll be doing a “meet the writer” segment since I didn’t do one during my first week on the site. Be afraid, be very afraid…

Name: Kat
Age: 20 (Mentally I flip-flop between 5 and 20)
Sexuality: Pan-romantic,bi-sexual (Or at least that’s how I describe myself)
Childhood: I was born in Ohio, but I then moved overseas when I was in Kindergarten. I lived in China for three and a half years and then Switzerland for one and half .I preferred China to Switzerland,since Switzerland was/is made up with almost every single European nationality that really didn’t like Americans( sadly I was and still am American). Once I moved back to the States , It was actually rather rough for me when I moved back, but over the nine or so years I’ve been back I have grown accustomed to America once again.
Coming Out: My coming out story isn’t full of heart break, lost loved ones, or my parents hating me. They were mad, but not because I had a girlfriend. They were mad because I had lied to them and had been sleeping in the same room as my girlfriend (because as everyone knows if you’re left alone with a boyfriend or girlfriend for a night you instantly start having sex. Cuddling sure,but not always sex). The reason they found out that I had a girlfriend? The were looking for the sexy slip to use the same night I had borrowed it for… ew.
Coming out as Pan-romantic was even more uneventful. I had just come home for a long weekend from school and I was at an Indian restaurant with my parents. I just told them that I was a pansexual instead of bi-sexual. First they had asked when I came out as bi-sexual (they had forgotten). Then they just nodded,went whatever and continued eating. See not extremely thrilling, funny but not thrilling.
TV shows: Supernatural,Grimm,Doctor Who, My Little Pony
Movies: Christopher and His Kind, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, In & Out
Music: Florence +the Machine, Maroon 5, Janelle Monae
Videogames: Dragon Age 1 and 2, Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Assassins’ Creed
Well next Monday I’ll probably be going back to the reviews. Hope you enjoyed this very small look into my mind. Cheers!