Anti-gay hate crimes reach peak

Newly released FBI figures show a sharp increase in the amount of hate crimes against LGBT individuals reported last year.

Recently released FBI data shows a large jump in the number of  anti-gay hate crimes reported in 2008, which increased by approximately 11 percent.

FBI data reveal a rise in antigay hate crimes reported in 2008. Photo courtesy of:
FBI data reveal a rise in anti-gay hate crimes reported in 2008. Photo courtesy of:

According to the same data, a third of the hate crimes reported involve coercion, while the other two-thirds are comprised of vandalism and violence.

The FBI warned that the reason behind this trend may be that a larger number of institutions are taking the initiative to report these incidences. In that case, the data might not reflect an actual rise in such crimes.

Read the entire story here.

-Zachary Culler

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