Atlanta gay and lesbian newspaper closes after 21 years

Southern Voice, Atlanta's gay and lesbian weekly newspaper, closed this weekend along with several other publications owned by Window Media LLC

Southern Voice, Atlanta’s 21-year-old gay and lesbian weekly newspaper, has turned its last pages after closing because of financial reasons. Southern Voice joins David Atlanta, a publication about gay nightlife, which also closed because of financial reasons.

The Atlanta gay and lesbian magazine, Southern Voice, closes after 21 years because of financial reasons. Photo courtesy of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The Atlanta gay and lesbian magazine, Southern Voice, closes after 21 years because of financial reasons. Photo courtesy of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Window Media LLC owns the publications and shut down various gay publications this past weekend. Window Media is the largest gay and lesbian newspaper publisher in the nation.

Southern Voice editor Laura Brown did not confirm the closure until this morning when she arrived and was informed by a page designer. Staff members arrived today to find a sign on the paper’s closed doors reading, “It is with great regret that we must inform you that effective immediately, the operations of Window Media LLC and Unite Media LLC have closed down.”

Read the full article here.

— Kim Brown

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