Baseball, Eating Apple Pie and Hating Gays: America's Favorite Pastimes

Yankee fans of Section 39, the Bleacher Creatures, decide to target fans of opposing teams by harassing them with homophobic remarks to the tune of "Y.M.C.A."
Group of fans verbally harassing teens at a game.

This is a pretty old video, but when I was looking for the video from last weeks post, this one came up and has been in my mind for the last seven days.

What’s the video of? Some meat head frat boy types screaming “Y R U gay” during the traditional singing of the Village People’s “Y.M.C.A.” before the seventh inning stretch at a New York Yankees game during the 2010 season. The culprits weren’t even just singing in “good fun” but were directing it at two male teens.

The disgusting thing is that the choir consists of full grown adults. Seriously? Act your age and stop harassing kids. They’re sitting with the “Bleacher Creatures” so they’re in the cheap seats. So great, New York. You’re moving right on up there with New Jersey at being cheap and tacky. The only thing that would make this even more tacky would be if it were Snooki singing it, but I guess even she has manners.

Alice McGillion, a spokesperson for the Bronx Bombers, said in a statement, “the Yankees have zero tolerance for this and any kind of abuse,” and that the bleacher sections will now have amped up security to patrol for this kind of thing.

Apparently, this has been the norm for Section 39, even before this video came to the cyber world. There are actually more words to this song (which can be found on the Bleach Creatures Facebook page.) The song is supposed to be directed at the opposing team… like that makes it okay. STOP SAYING STUPID SHIT. Gay people don’t insult you for being straight so why is okay for anyone to insult someone for being gay whether they are or not? This is not only unsportsmanlike, but there is no excuse for ignorant behavior whether it be malicious or not, although how can it not be malicious when it the song talks about “what you do is a sin” and having “a disease.”

See the video:

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