A battle is ensuing over the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s Domestic Partner Registry, which Gov. Jim Doyle signed into law June 29.
Gay rights groups Fair Wisconsin and Lambda Legal are urging the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reject the challenge. Meanwhile, social conservative groups Alliance Defense Fund and Wisconsin Family Action, are leading the challenge. The ADF and WFA argue the registry conflicts with the state constitution that bans same-sex marriage.
“The suggestion in this lawsuit that this is substantially similar to marriage is, in our view, simply not credible,” Christopher Clark, senior staff attorney with Lambda Legal, said,
The law gives registered couples 43 rights, most dealing with estate planning and hospital visitation. According to the Department of Health, 970 couples have applied for Domestic Partnerships since Aug. 3 when couples began applying.
Only four judges need to accept the challenge in order for the case to move on.
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