BBC newscaster admits to mercy killing gay lover

A BBC newscaster admitted during a television program on death Monday to mercy killing his ex-lover, according to the Daily Mail.
Ray Gosling, freelance videographer and documentarian, discusses mercy killing his gay lover during BBC Breakfast today. (Photo by the BBC)

A BBC newscaster admitted during a television program about death Monday to mercy killing his ex-lover, according to the Daily Mail.

During the program, Ray Gosling, 70, said he smothered his gay lover, who was “in terrible pain” from an AIDS infection, out of mercy. Police are now investigating the incident, to which Gosling told the Daily Mail, “I did the right thing.”

Assisted suicide is illegal under English and Welsh law and holds a penalty of up to 14 years imprisonment, the Daily Mail stated.

For the full account, read the original Daily Mail article.

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