Beating of Queens gay man a possible hate crime

The severe beating of a gay man in New York is a possible hate crime.

A New York man severely beaten by two men Friday is now the victim of an apparent hate crime.

A gay man beaten to death on Friday remains a question of a hate crime. Photo courtesy of
A gay man severely beaten on Friday is possible victim of a hate crime. Photo courtesy of

Forty-nine-year-old Jack Price was close to his home in a Queens neighborhood when he was attacked by two men. The men were yelling gay slurs to Price, according to a article. He remains in a medically induced coma in serious but stable condition, according to an Associated Press article.

Twenty-six-year-old Daniel Aleman was arrested Sunday and charged with assault and aggravated assault as a hate crime. A second suspect is still being sought. The Hate Crimes Task Force is continuing its investigation on the crime.

While Price was still conscious, he told family members the men followed him from the store calling him a “faggot.” Aleman allegedly said during the beating, his father is a correction officer and that Price could not do anything to the two men.

Read the Associated Press article here.

—Kim Brown

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