Buddha! Allah! Satan, Help Me!

Sectionals time is here again!

Sectionals time is here again!

Theme. The New Directions prepares for Sectionals but struggles to feel motivated. Artie and Tina deal with rumors of their significant others’ cheating; Kurt leaves a gaping hole in the New Directions; Rachel finds out about Finn’s sleeping with Santana; and poor, creepy Schuester faces more heartbreak.

What I Loved:

  • Puck’s sudden personality lift. The perpetual badass/sleazy/lazy guy is put in charge of recruiting a new Gleek, but gets a little sidetracked along the way. He tries to appeal to his fellow football players but they just laugh and shove him into a port-a-potty, in which Puck gets stuck for 24 hours. He sits there, calling for help from all the deities, until Lauren Zizes saves him–and the new Gleek is found…
  • And Lauren is hilarious. The voluptuous, sarcastic singer knows exactly what she wants: in return for joining the New Directions, she requests Seven Minutes in Heaven with Puck. Go get ’em, girl!
  • The Hipsters. At sectionals, one of the three competing groups is made up of senior citizens–and they’re not half bad! In cute matching powder-blue vests, the crew of retirees nabs third place.
  • Quinn and Sam (or, as Rachel calls them, Barbie and Ken) sing a lovely version of “Time of my Life.” No one puts baby–or the girl who had a baby last year–in the corner!
  • Santana’s surprisingly sultry singing voice. Try to say that five times fast! While belting out an Amy Winehouse song at Sectionals, the promiscuous cheerleader takes center stage and surprised us all.
  • The New Directions is, of course, going to Regionals. However, they tied with the Warblers, so bring on the diva-showdown between Kurt and Rachel…

The New Directions celebrate another Sectionals win--kind of. Copyright 2010 Photo: blogs.pioneeerlocal.com

What I didn’t Love.

  • Kurt gets turned down for a solo with the Warblers. Maybe I’m biased, since I love Kurt and all, but the Warblers are already bugging me. Blaine said that Kurt tried too hard; the Warblers is a team and no one needs to try and stand out. Excuse me, Blaine, but you were the only soloist of your team at Sectionals, with your own set of choreography to boot. So stop trying to conform my man Kurt!
  • Carl and Emma’s sticky relationship. Emma reveals to Schue that her beau doesn’t like that she works closely with an ex, and she therefore will not be going to Sectionals to support his Glee club. She doesn’t call Schue after the New Directions’ tie to congratulate him, because Carl wouldn’t approve. Then the good-looking dentist whisks her off to Vegas and they get hitched. Control freak much? Looks like someone new is in the running for the title of Creepiest Dude on Glee!
  • Rachel and Finn…are no more? After hearing about Finn’s rendezvous with Santana–during which he was not dating Rachel, and Rachel was with Jesse–the drama queen makes out with Puck to try and even the field. Of course, this doesn’t go smoothly with Finn. He breaks down and they break up–and Rachel continues the cycle of air headed high school-level moments.

Top Character Quotes.

  • “Is it productive for me to slap him right now?” – Rachel
  • “I’m paralyzed with fear. I’ve been stuck here since 2nd period. I really have to pee.” – Brittany
  • “I’m not a big fan of reading rulebooks. Well, I’m not a big fan of reading.” – Puck
  • “If we lose, we should throw possums.” – Brittany
  • “Is this, like, a mad-lib?” – Brittany again!

Next Week: It’s a very Gleeful Christmas, and the last new episode until February!

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