Buenos Aires grants first marriage license to gays

Buenos Aires is taking significant steps towards marriage equality

In Buenos Aires a gay couple has won the right to get married after a judge ruled that the ban on gay marriage violates Argentina’s constitution, according to an article by the Associated Press.

Jose Maria Di Bello and his partner Alex Frevre photo from  sivida.org/
Jose Maria Di Bello and his partner Alex Frevre photo from sivida.org/

Jose Maria Di Bello and his partner Alex Frevre are now able to get married.

This moment is a grounding-breaking event in the country, which lies in a region where laws ban gay marriage. “On December 1st we will become man and man,” said Di Bello, welling up in tears as a city clerk gave him the paperwork.

Mayor Mauricio Macri said that they would not be appealing the motion. “We have to live with and accept this reality: the world is moving in this direction,” Macri said Friday, adding that it is important officials “safeguard the right of each person to freely choose with whom they want to form a couple and be happy.”

Judge Gabriela Seijas granted the request and said that the laws excluding same-sex couples violated the rights of equality. The Argentine congress is now considering changing numerous articles in the civil code in order to enable same-sex marriage.

“Currently no country in Latin America allows gay marriage, though some jurisdictions allow gay partners to form civil unions with many of the same rights.”

To read the full article go here.

-Katelynd Jarvis

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