California politician admits to being gay on morning radio show

Roy Ashburn, recently arrested for drunk driving, came out yesterday amid growing questions of his sexuality, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.
Fellow senators greet Sen. Roy Ashburn following his coming out during an early-morning radio show. (Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times)

Roy Ashburn, recently arrested for drunken driving, came out yesterday amid growing questions of his sexuality, reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

Many questioned Ashburn’s sexuality after he was seen leaving the Sacramento gay club Faces on numerous occasions. Gay mayor of West Sacramento, Christopher Cabaldon, even outed him via Facebook last year with, “It wouldn’t bother me so bad to see Roy Ashburn at Badlands with a boy if he didn’t have such a bad voting record on gay rights,” according to a article.

Ashburn attributed his anti-gay voting record to “represent(ing) my constituents,” he told radio show host Inga Barks for KERN.

To read the original San Francisco Chronicle article, click here.

— Justin McCraw

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