Catholic Charities ends philanthropy, blames gays

Catholic Charities ended its foster care and adoption programs due to the district's impending gay marriage equality law, according to
Catholic Charities disbands its philanthropic arm due to gay adoption possibility. (Photo by Getty Images)
Catholic Charities disbands its philanthropic arm due to gay adoption possibility. (Photo by Getty Images)

WASHINGTON D.C. — Catholic Charities ended its foster care and adoption programs due to the district’s impending gay marriage equality law, according to

A philanthropic division under the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, Catholic Charities stated the new law would go against the church’s beliefs, according to its Web site.

The adoptive and foster families currently enrolled with Catholic Charities will be transitioned to the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF), according to its Web site.

For more information, view the original story here.

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