Author Natalie Barney first Ohio lesbian to be considered for marker

Natalie Barney, a Dayton-born lesbian author, may soon be honored with an historical iron marker. Hers would be the first dedicated to an openly gay Ohioan.

LGBT author Natalie Barney
Lesbian author Natalie Barney

Dayton native and lesbian author Natalie Barney may soon be honored with a historical marker. The marker would be placed in the Miami Valley in near her hometown if the vote goes through, and it would bet the first to honor an openly gay historical figure in the state.

The LGBT Center in Dayton and the Gay Ohio History Initiative raised $2,300 to create the historical iron marker. Dayton commissioners, who were expected to vote on the matter Aug. 26, are still undecided.

Read the article from the Gay People’s Chronicle here.

-Katelynd Jarvis

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