Apple is known for many things: the iPad, the iPod, the iPhone and iTunes. They also are pretty famous for coining the term “apps” for applications (games, sources of news, etc.) for their products. Some popular apps are Angry Birds, Words with Friends and Fingerprint Security – Pro.
In the past few weeks, one app has been making major headlines, but not for being a wild new craze like Angry Birds. This app, released by Exodus International, was created to be an ex-gay resource for everyone who was app-capable. The app took you to online websites, such as the group’s Facebook, where people who worked for the Christian ministry had posted anti-gay information and discussed how to get rid of “unwanted same-sex attraction.”
Apple has since removed the app thanks to an uprise on the web since it’s debut saying it was “offense to large groups of people.” Exodus is trying to fight the removal stating that Apple approved it before and shouldn’t be going back on their word because of some activist group’s opposition (the group in Truth Wins Out, or TWO, had a huge part in the removal of the app and even offered an online petition for people who supported the removal.)
Exodus, of course, is also taking the stance that by allowing this app to be in the App Store, it is just equal representation and wants Apple to reconsider the removal. There website has a press release as well as a list of misconceptions regarding their app. This is not the first app removed due to an outcry of the public (i.e. the Baby Shaker App.)
Stop saying stupid shit, Exodus. Your app is not the other side of the coin. Yes, Apple has gay apps, but from what I have viewed in my research, there are no apps that put down people who are straight. Gay rights organizations could publish apps that are hurtful to straight people in your opinion, and there would be a movement to get the app removed. There is equal representation and diversity in the App Store. There shouldn’t be offense, one-sided propaganda.