Ex-gay advocate is ex-con

Collaborative investigating by SouthFloridaGayNews.com and Truth Wins Out revealed Monday that the co-founder and leader of several anti-gay organizations and a New Jersey congregation hid his past felony conviction.
Arthur Abba Goldberg, ex-gay advocate. (Photo by SouthFloridaGayNews.com)

Collaborative investigating by SouthFloridaGayNews.com and Truth Wins Out revealed Monday that the co-founder and leader of several anti-gay organizations and a New Jersey congregation hid his past felony conviction.

Arthur Abba Goldberg was convicted in 1987 for conspiring to defraud the United States, according to the effort’s findings. Targeting minority communities, Goldberg implemented a “phony bond and investment scheme” that cost him his law credentials in New Jersey and Connecticut.

Goldberg is co-founder of JONAH, Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality, and is the current president of PATH, Positive Alternatives to Homosexuality. Both organizations espouse ex-gay ministry and treatment practices.

“Mr. Goldberg’s silence today about his illegal conduct yesterday,” SouthFloridaGayNews.com publisher Norm Kent said, “is a clear indicator that … prison … has not inhibited his willingness to deceive others in order to advance himself today.”

For more information, read the report at SouthFloridaGayNews.com and TruthWinsOut.org.

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