Fck H8

Go to fck h8, have some fun, buy a t-shirt!
yeah, the shirts are bad-ass, but that's not all, go to fck h8 and see for yourself. Photo: copyright 2010 theqit.com
Fckin h8, one covered midriff at a time

There are a lot of stories in the news that make me want to say “fck you, fck what you’re saying, go fck yourself.”

There are many times where I saw those stories, and couldn’t help but say what I was thinking, and I ended up saying it so many times that my voice went hoarse.

The only problem was I still wanted to tell the bigots to fck off.

It was then that a good friend found a great sight after facebooking for a couple hours.

It’s called fck h8, and is a fun website that offers pro-gay merchandise, stories about gay news (they’re almost as good as most of the Fusion stories), and they have the coolest youtube video EVER.
If you’re still reading this and you haven’t checked out fck h8 yet, you’re hurting my feelings, and I know you don’t want to do that…right?

If you still haven’t went, then maybe you just don’t know how.  All you have to do is go to the above link, click it, and let the good times roll.

I’m guessing that by now you’ve been on fck h8 for a few hours and just returned to finish this article, in which case, what’d I tell ya’, you’re mind was blown right?

Well, that’s all I can say, so until Thursday, FCK H8!

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