Fitting In is Out of Style

“Be original, be original, be original.” Even Sandra Bullock said it in this month’s issue of Glamour.
Add a subtle accessory, like tights, to anything to create a whole new look. Photo: Glamour magazine 2010

“Be original, be original, be original.” Even Sandra Bullock said it in this month’s issue of Glamour.

I’m not saying I’m a fashion guru, but it really shouldn’t take an expert to be the judge of good, creative, fun-to-look-at style. This sounds arrogant, but it’s no secret (to those who know me) that I know how to dress to get double takes wherever I go; that’s where my credibility in this fashion blog comes from. True style isn’t about copying the European runway models, but finding a look that shows off your bod and personality.

Or, for those of you lacking personalities, throw on the old Uggs/leggings/North Face look for a quick fix.

Nothing against the generic, all-too-familiar Uggs and North Faces, but there’s no style in that. Not to mention the fact that it’s a tired look—and yes, I understand that it’s the most convenient winter outfit.  So are sweatpants and slippers.  Well…sorry, but convenience won’t get you anybody’s number in the end.

This is where originality comes in. Style is all a matter of opinion and taste, so it’s understandable if you guys question my authority. Just hear me out.

Some of my favorite styles today were in my closet for years before they were cool.  Blazers, loafers, crazy-colored shoes—I feel like I should’ve grown a pair and worn all these three years ago when I wanted to, not waited ‘til the magazines said I’m allowed to.  They showed personality, which I was afraid to express back then.  I’m sure this sounds familiar to at least some of you.

A bright and semi-flashy clutch adds a punch to any fall outfit. Photo: Glamour magazine 2010

Showing your personality in your outfits can be hard, especially if you’re aiming to switch up your look.  My best advice (and Cosmo and Glamour tend to agree) is to start with accessories.  Whether you’re girly or butch or a femme male, there’s some sort of accessory that will fit your taste and add to your look exponentially.  These can be anything from a bold red neck scarf to shimmery sequin earrings and bangles to a jeweled headband to statement rings—it doesn’t matter, as long as it gives your outfit an extra boost into a look-at-me mentality.

So basically, take a break from fitting in and try standing out. Be original, dress like you, and add in some sparkle to keep those double takes coming.

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