Former Rep. Massa avoids question about being gay

When Larry King asked Eric Massa if he was gay, the former house representative retaliated, claiming King's question "offended gay Americans."
(courtesy of ontopmag)

When Larry King asked Eric Massa if he was gay, the former house representative from western New York retaliated, claiming King’s question “offended gay Americans.”

“It insults every gay American,” Massa said. “It somehow classifies people. Why would anybody even ask the question in this day and age?”

Moments earlier Massa refused to clarify his sexual orientation.

“Well, here’s my answer,” he said “I’m not gonna answer that. Ask my wife. Ask my friends. Ask the ten thousand men I served with in the Navy.”

Several ethics complaints are under investigation against Massa for allegedly groping male staffers.

Massa, who declared his resignation earlier in the week, claims the ethics complaints were leaked by fellow Democrats to force him to resign for his reluctance of support for health care reform.

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