Gaga Backs Out

Short follow up to Lady Gaga's Target deal.
Screenshot Amber Cantrell Copyright 2011 from

Back in February, I wrote about how Lady Gaga decided to give the super store Target a chance. She had planned on allowing the store to sell a special edition of her “Born This Way” album. It had extra cuts and remixes. The deal was that Target make up for the wrong they committed to the homosexual committee by donating to an anti-gay political action committee.

According to, things have changed. All of you who had your hopes up to get the exclusive special edition album, are now out of luck. Lady Gaga recently backed out of the Target deal. It has been said that Target has not kept up its end of the bargain. Target supposedly never abandoned its support for the political figures that are anti-gay.

Spokespeople for both Gaga and Target have said the the deal ending was mutual.

Though Target had also said that they were, “surprised and disappointed” by the partnership ending.



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