Study: Gay, bisexual teens more likely to have eating disorders

Teens that identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual and "mostly heterosexual," were more frequently found to have a eating disorder than their heterosexual counterparts, according to a new study.
Even at ages as early as 12, LGB are more likely to binge eat and purge afterward
Even at ages as early as 12, LGB are more likely to binge eat and purge afterward

A new study found young gay males are seven times more likely than heterosexual peers to binge when eating and 12 times more likely to purge afterward.

The study, conducted by researchers from Harvard University and Boston’s Children Hospital, surveyed nearly 14,000 individuals ages 12- to 23-years-old and examined the relationship between binge eating then purging and sexual orientation.

Read more about this story at ABC News.

~ Simon Husted

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