Gay Euro MPs denounce Ugandan bill

European Parliament is denouncing the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 which is pending in Uganda's Parliament

“The members of the European Parliament’s Intergroup on LBGT rights have strongly denounced the ‘Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009’ pending in Uganda’s Parliament,” according to an article form Bay Windows.

Protest sign against the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 photo from
Protest sign against the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 photo from

The U.S government is having a strong reaction to this bill as well. U.S representative Tammy Baldwin who is openly gay along with three other members of congress have sent a letter to Hilary Clinton, the Secretary of State, asking her to use the full force of her office to “condemn the bill.”

“The proposed legislation includes provisions to punish those alleged to be lesbian, gay or bisexual with life imprisonment and, in some cases, the death penalty; any parent or teacher failing to report their LGBT children or pupils to the authorities with a fine equivalent to $2,650 or three years’ imprisonment; and landowners providing shelter to LGBT people with seven years’ imprisonment,” the MEPs said Nov. 9.

In Uganda gay sex is already banned with the sentence of life in prison, the bill is an attempt to “erase any appearance or hint of gayness from the nation.” The penalties from this bill will range from prison time to execution. The offenses that would result in punishment could be anything from touching someone in a “gay way” to sponsoring gay organizations.  This legislation is also targeting Ugandans who get married abroad, with the penalty of being imprisoned for life if they returned home.

“On Nov. 19, Human Rights Watch, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Health GAP and other organizations will stage a demonstration against the bill outside the Ugandan Consulate in New York City at 12:30 p.m. Similar protests are planned in Copenhagen, Ottawa, Pretoria and Washington, D.C.”

To read the full article go here.

-Katelynd Jarvis

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