Gay men refused hospitality at one bed and breakfast

In refutation to a bed and breakfast's refusal to allow a gay couple to stay, the men filed police complaints.
The Swiss Bed and Breakfast in Cookham, Berkshire, became the sight of unrest when its owners denied residence to two gay men. (courtesy of

Two gay men filed police complaints after one Berkshire bed and breakfast refused to house them due to their sexuality.

 Michael Black and John Morgan booked their stay at the Swiss Bed and Breakfast online, reports Sky News. Upon arrival, the owners refused to allow the men their stay because of personal convictions, Black told Sky News.

Although the owners refunded the men’s money, they justified their decision with religion.

“We turned them away because we have a Christian faith and for us to allow people to engage in homosexual activity within our house would go against our faith,” the owners said in an interview with Sky News.

Black and Morgan are hoping this instance will raise social awareness of for such situations.

To read more on this story, visit Sky News.

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