Gay porn star dies after a struggle with police

A gay porn star died after complications from resisiting police arrest.
Andrew Grande, a gay porn star, is now dead after, according to police, choking on a bag of marijuana. (courtesy of

A gay porn star died after a struggle with police trying to arrest him.

Andrew Grande was the cause of a disturbance call to police, reports the New York Daily News. He and a female had been fighting.

As police began to arrest Grande, he resisted. Police then shot him with a Taser gun. Pulling the wires from his chest, Grande began to choke on what was reportedly a bag of marijuana he had swallowed.

While police attempted to resuscitate Grande, paramedics later pronounced him dead.

“It’s a tragic situation for our officers and a tragic situation for this young man and his family,” said Sheriff Frank McKeithen to the New York Daily News. “If he’d … allowed them to handcuff him, it would have been over,” the sheriff said. “This would not have happened.”

To read more on this story, visit the New York Daily News.

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