Gay powerlifter wins third gold medal

Chris Morgan won his third gold medal for powerlifting last week in Russia.
Chris Morgan is a global advocate for the Federation of Gay Games. (courtesy of

The Federation of Gay Games announces another victory Monday.

Openly gay power lifter Chris Morgan earned his third world gold medal in Russia.

According to On Top Magazine, Morgan clinched the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Championship (WDFPF) in Moscow with lifts of 210 kg, 240 kg and 250 kg.

β€œI’m absolutely delighted to have won my third World ‘Open’ Gold Medal here at the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Championships, completing my aim of winning back-to-back World Championship titles,” Morgan said. β€œIt has been my goal since failing to regain my first world open title in 2005 to once again win and then defend the World Open Championship. It feels very satisfying to achieve something that I’ve never managed to do before in my sporting career.”

Morgan, who is also the Gay Games power lifting champion, serves as a global ambassador for the Federation of Gay Games.

To read more on this story, visit On Top Magazine.

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