Gay Episcopalians in Ohio to be allowed marriage union

Central and southern Ohio Episopalians will be allowed to wed in churches beginning Easter 2010

Gay Episcopalians in central and southern Ohio will be able to marry beginning Easter 2010, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

Gay Episcopalians will be allowed to marry in Ohio churches beginning Easter 2010. Photo courtesy of Saint Mark's Episcopal Church.
Gay Episcopalians will be allowed to marry in Ohio churches beginning Easter 2010. Photo courtesy of Saint Mark's Episcopal Church.

The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio’s Bishop Thomas Breidenthal announced at the 135th diocesean convention he will allow same-sex unions within the church. However, this lift on the prohibition does not require a priest to perform the marriage.

This includes about 25,000 Episcopalians in more than 80 Ohio churches.

Read the full article here.

— Kim Brown

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