Saturday Night Live, is a comedic show which makes spoofs on pretty much everything and anything. There comes a time in every comedy spoof show when one must ask, “Have we gone too far?” SNL probably should have asked themselves that in a commercial spoof they did about something they call “Estro-Maxxx.” According to, GLAAD says that the commercial makes fun of those in the transgender community. After watching the skit, I would have to agree with GLAAD. The skit did go a bit overboard. The organization is now demanding the video be taken down from the internet site Hulu, which allows people to watch TV online, and cut out off future airings of the show.
After watching let me know what you think! Do you agree with GLAAD? Did Saturday Night Live finally go too far? Lets try and get a little feedback on this, I for one am curious to what everyone thinks about it.