Fox News host Bill O’Reilly defended a child who was barred from re-enrolling at the Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Boulder, Colorado because the child’s parents were lesbians, according to Advocate.com
O’Reilly and Catholic priest Father Jonathan Morris discussed the situation on the air. O’Reilly found that the school refusing to allow the child in their school was harsh with the remark, “I don’t think Jesus would have made the same call. Kids have no power over who their parents are.”
Morris replied with saying the reason the church denied the child was the school wants to be able to enforce its beliefs.
O’Reilly replies asking Morris, “What if it’s a divorced couple and the person remarries outside of the church? Are you going to expel those kids?”
Morris replied with saying that it’s up to the parents to send their children to a Catholic school, and then it becomes their job to then teach the Catholic faith.
To read the original article, and watch the actual conversation, click here.