Lesbians' child kicked out of Catholic school

Leading to much protest, a Catholic school denied re-enrollment to a preschooler because the child's parents are lesbians.


The Catholic religion believes gay marriage is against the will of God. (courtesy of freefoto.com)


Due to the decisions of a Catholic school, one child will be un-enrolled at the end of the school year. Officials in a Boulder, Colo., school agreed to remove a preschool student after this year because the child’s parents are lesbians, reports All Headline News.

According to a statement from the Denver archdiocese, “To preserve the mission of our schools, and to respect the faith of wider Catholic community, we expect all families who enroll students to live in accord with Catholic teaching. Parents living in open discord with Catholic teaching in areas of faith and morals unfortunately choose by their actions to disqualify their children from enrollment.”

Protesters demonstrated against this decision at Sunday Mass where the issue was brought up in the sermon.

To read more on this story, visit All Headline News.

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