Lt. Dan Choi returns to active duty

Out serviceman Lt. Dan Choi returned to active duty Friday, according to a statement he issued to NGLTF Creating Change attendees during the event.
Lt. Dan Choi after returning to his unit Friday. (Photo by Lt. Dan Choi taken from The Bilerico Project)
Lt. Dan Choi after returning to his unit Friday. (Photo by Lt. Dan Choi taken from The Bilerico Project)

Out serviceman Lt. Dan Choi returned to active duty Friday, according to a statement he issued to NGLTF Creating Change attendees during the event.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Creating Change expected Lt. Choi to attend as a keynote speaker, according to Jeff Sheng of The Bilerico Project, who reported the event. The military called Lt. Choi back to active duty and training, which conflicted with the conference.

Sheng explained that Lt. Choi’s discharge status is still being questioned, as the case went to trial but has not been finalized.

Lt. Choi is a prominent opponent of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and garnered celebrity after coming out on The Rachel Maddow Show last year.

According to Sheng, Lt. Choi is currently training with his original unit.

For the original story by Sheng, visit The Bilerico Project.

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