Maine group raises $2.7 million for marriage rights

No on 1/Protect Maine Equality announced Tuesday that is has raised $2.7 million from 12,000 donors in its efforts to keep same-sex marriage legal.
The organization No on 1/Protect Marriage Equality is fighting to keep same sex marraige legal in Maine.
The organization No on 1/Protect Marriage Equality is fighting to keep same sex marraige legal in Maine.

No on 1/Protect Maine Equality announced Tuesday that is has raised $2.7 million from 12,000 donors in its efforts to keep same-sex marriage legal.

“What we’ve seen is that as more and more people have focused on Maine, more and more people have wanted to participate, whether that’s writing a check or staffing a phone bank,” No on 1 campaign manager Jesse Connolly said in a statement.

According to the Advocate, the money was raised between July 6 and September 30. Nearly half the money came from Maine residents, with an online donation average of $95.45 and on-the-street donations average of $17.25.

— Theresa Bruskin

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