Maine is only two weeks away from voting on Proposition 1; marriage equality supporters have what seem to be the upper hand and an optimistic attitude, according to Keen News Services.
“Nobody’s being cocky, I can tell you that,” said Pat Peard who “has been a leader in many of the LGBT community’s ballot battles in Maine over the past decade.”
The latest poll released Tuesday shows that the voters were split 48 percent to 48 percent and four percent undecided. “Personally, I’m extremely cautiously optimistic,” Peard said. “We have done very well raising money, and we have these endorsements, but the poll numbers mean nothing to me.”
The fight for marriage equality in Maine is met with opposition from groups such as the National Organization for Marriage and the “Yes on 1” campaign which is run by the public relations firm Shubert Flint, the same firm that ran the campaign in California.
To read the full article go here.
-Katelynd Jarvis