Men sue gay softball league for alleged discrimination

After the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Association disqualified three men from a World Series team for being heterosexual, the men are filing lawsuits against the organization.
The team D2 made its way to the 2008 Seattle Gay World Series before three of its team members were disqualified. (courtesy of

Three men are filing lawsuits against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Association for discrimination in the 2008 Gay World Series.

When the men’s team, D2, made it to the finals, their opposing team filed protests against the three. The team claimed D2 had exceeded its limit of two heterosexual players per team.

NAGAAA summoned and questioned five of the D2 teammates, reading questions to determine their sexuality. One man claimed to be considered both heterosexual and gay.

According to Gather News, one official allegedly said, “This is the Gay World Series, not the Bisexual World Series.”

Three of the five were voted “non-gay” by the officials and disqualified from the finals.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights filed the suit for the three players. According to Gather News, the men are demanding $75,000 each for emotional distress, the D2’s second place finish to be reinstated and the league to end the rule that only two heterosexuals can play for a team.

To read more on this story, visit Gather News.

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