After attacks by the press of his comments on gay adoption earlier this month, Mike Huckabee took a more reserved position of gay adoption in his debate with Rosie O’Donnell on her Sirius radio show Saturday.
When O’Donnell, lesbian mother of four kids, asked Huckabee of his position on the Arkansas gay adoption amendment he once again acknowledged his opposition.
“What I’m saying is that I think the ideal environment for children is in a relationship that has both a mother and a father.” he said.
“I’m mentioning that there are half a million kids in foster care in America,” O’Donnell responded. “To have public officials deem homosexuals unworthy of parenting is disastrous for the nation, for equality and for humanity and, Mike, for Christianity.”
Huckabee continued to respond with kinder words and towards the end of the interview said that he respects her decisions.
“Your children are very fortunate,” he added.
For more on this story and to see more of the interview click here.
Olivia Stephens