More animals than thought are gay in the wild

New York Times' Sunday magazine T reported on gay animals in the wild, according to an opinion column on

Research suggests homosexual occurrences in animals is more prevelant than thought. (Courtesy of The New York Times)

New York Times’ Sunday magazine T reported on gay animals in the wild, according to an opinion column on

The article reports on homosexual occurrences of animals including albatrosses, penguins and rams, but focuses on the research of biologist Lindsay Young on the Laysan albatross.

In his opinion piece, philosophy professor John Corvino, Ph.D., said the relationship between animals and humans forgets one important element:  morality.

“The simple truth that both sides overlook is this,” he wrote. “Research about animals tells us what other animals’ behavior is; it does not tell us what human behavior morally ought to be.”

For the original opinion piece, click here.

For the original New York Times magazine feature, click here.

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