New health care proposal eliminates LGBTQ and HIV provisions

President Obama's new health care proposal released today eliminates the LGBTQ and HIV treatment provisions of the original House bill, according to the Keen News Service.
Openly gay Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin says the proposal is a step in the right direction. (Photo by Keen News Service)

President Obama’s new health care proposal released today eliminates the LGBTQ and HIV treatment provisions of the original House bill, according to the Keen News Service.

The original proposal included an elimination of a same-sex couple tax on health insurance plans covering a spouse and the expedited Medicare issuance during the early stages of illness for HIV and low income people, Keen News Service reported. Currently, same-sex couples whose plans cover a spouse must count the coverage as additional income to the IRS, something straight couples aren’t required to do.

LGBTQ and HIV advocacy groups, according to the report, are still optimistic and consider the President’s proposal as “an important step forward,” Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), openly gay Congresswoman, said.

First found on Towleroad, the original Keen News Service report can be found here.

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