New York cab driver kicks gay couple out of cab for hugging

A cab driver in New York is accused of discriminating against a gay couple after he kicked them out of the cab for hugging in the back seat.

A gay couple who embraced in the back seat of a taxi cab in New York were told to get out of the cab two blocks into the ride, according to the New York Post.

Cab passenger Paul Bruno photo from
Cab passenger Paul Bruno. Photo courtesy of

Paul Bruno and his partner were taking a cab Monday evening. When they entered the cab, they were sitting very closely when the cab pulled over and the driver demanded that the couple get out of the cab.

 “I don’t know if it was a personal or religious thing. But it’s never OK to deny anyone a ride, especially when it’s such blatant and direct discrimination,” Bruno said. “He’s in the wrong place and in the wrong line of work if he doesn’t have an open and tolerant attitude. I’ve seen a lot more go on in taxis than hugging.”

According to the Taxi and Limousine Commission, this violation would be considered a “service refusal.” The first offense is a $200 to $350 fine, the second is a $350 to $500 fine and a 30-day suspension, and the third strike is license revocation.

To read the full article go here.

– Katelynd Jarvis

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