New York City Council wants state legislature to help HIV/AIDS residents

New York City Council is asking the state legislature to help New Yorkers living with HIV/AIDS.

New York City Council speaker Christine Quinn and council member Rosie Mendez announced a formal resolution for an affordable housing bill for low-income New Yorkers living with HIV/AIDS.

New York City Council asked the state legislature to pass a bill helping New York City residents with HIV/AIDS. Photo courtesy of
New York City Council asked the state legislature to pass a bill helping New York City residents with HIV/AIDS. Photo courtesy of

The women asked for the state legislature to pass the bill because if it is passed, legislation proposes New York City residents with HIV/AIDS Services Administration will not pay more than 30 percent of their income toward rent. Quinn said this could help 11,000 residents from losing their homes.

“This piece of legislation will not only save money for our state, but it will save money for the thousands of HASA clients and provide some vital relief for their pocketbooks,” Quinn told “I urge Speaker Sheldon Silver and Gov. David Paterson to support this bill so we can take action towards making HASA clients’ lives easier and more affordable.”

The city council resolution passed, but legislation is now waiting on the assembly to take the bill.

Read the full article here.

Kim Brown

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