New York Republican candidate withdraws her bid from congressional seat

Gay marriage supporter and Republican Dede Scozzafava withdraws from New York's congressional seat race

Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava, running for upstate New York’s congressional seat, withdrew her bid Saturday, responding to the action that she was likely to lose the three-way race.

Moderate Republican Dede Scozzafava withdrew her bid Saturday for the 23rd congressional district in New York. Photo courtesy of the New York State Assembly
Moderate Republican Dede Scozzafava withdrew her bid Saturday for the 23rd congressional district in New York. Photo courtesy of the New York State Assembly

Scozzafava is a moderate Republican, supporting gay marriage and abortion rights. She started as a favored seat early in the campaign, but “grassroots” conservatives quickly began to attack her standings.

Scozzafava is not highly considered by the right-wing Republicans like former Gov. Sarah Palin, who is backing Republican Douglas Hoffman in the race.

However, Scozzafava’s withdrawal and now endorsement of Democrat Bill Owens running in the race causes larger problems for the state’s 23rd congressional district.

Officials told The New York Times this might affect the state’s Republican 2010 midterm election and power struggle.

“But other prominent Republicans expressed concern that Ms. Scozzafava’s decision seemed likely to unsettle the party going into next year’s midterm elections, raising the prospect of more primaries against Republican candidates that they deem too moderate,” The New York Times reported.

Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee and Newt Gingrich, former House speaker, have argued local state parties should be allowed to pick their candidates based on those similar to the district’s characteristics and “sentiments” even if the candidate varies from Republican normalcy on some issues.

Read the full story here.

—Kim Brown

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