If you haven’t heard of one of the most controversial new pieces of clothing on the Internet, you must actually be voting Tea Party.
Jeremy Kalgreen is the creator of the “That’s Why I’m Voting Tea Party” line of online T-shirts. Inspired by news websites that had collections of posters and signs from Tea Party rallies, Kalgreen uses his T-shirt site to create a funny spin on the Tea Party. His perception of the Tea Party is “taking anger people feel about being unemployed and redirecting it against liberals and what they stand for — a new conservative, far right liberal movement by the people.”
His shirt concept first came about when he took a look at the major issues the conservatives and Tea Party members focused on. He then took it over the top to create shirts full of satire to give everyone a good laugh. Once he had the idea for the T-shirts, he made some examples and put the shirts up on his Facebook page. Within a week, he had the shirts up on his website, too.
His idea for the shirt “Obama Wants to Let Gays Vote, That’s Why I’m Voting Tea Party” was chosen because everyone has the right to vote, and no one would seriously believe that gays are denied that right. He used the shirt concept knowing “no reasonable person could support that gays should not be able to vote because that is a right we all have.”
The most popular of the Tea Party shirt slogans is “Obama Won’t Teach My Kids the Earth is Flat, That’s Why I’m Voting Tea Party.” His Tea Party shirts are a new collection to his website and have only been available to purchase online since July 2010. Kalgreen enjoys seeing people sporting his creations and sometimes stops them on the street to let them know that was his idea.
The T-shirts are available to purchase at imvotingteaparty.com.