Obama to repeal ‘Don’t ask, Don’t tell’ policy

President Obama addressed the Human Rights Campaign about promises for government action in the LGBT community

On Saturday, President Barack Obama addressed the Human Rights Campaign promising to “defend civil rights for gays and lesbians,” according to an article posted by The Daily Voice.

President Obama addressing the Human Rights Campaign picture from http://thedailyvoice.com
President Obama addressing the Human Rights Campaign picture from http://thedailyvoice.com

Obama talked about the history or the gay civil rights movement and said his main goal is to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and sign a brand new bill hate crimes bill.

“This struggle has been long. Time and again we faced opposition. Time and again, the measure was defeated or delayed. But the Shepards never gave up. They turned tragedy into an unshakeable commitment. Countless activists and organizers never gave up. You held vigils; you spoke out, year after year, Congress after Congress. The House passed the bill again this week. And I can announce that after more than a decade, this bill is set to pass and I will sign it into law.”

To read the full article go here.

To see the video of his speech go here.

-Katelynd Jarvis

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