Opponents of Prop 8 fail to get its repeal on the ballot

Opponents of California's Proposition 8 failed to gather the required signatures to put its repeal on the ballot later this year, according to Advocate.com.
Opponents of California's Prop 8 will have to wait until 2012 for another chance to put its repeal on the ballot. (Courtesy of Getty Images)

Opponents of California’s Proposition 8 failed to gather the required signatures to put its repeal on the ballot later this year, according to Advocate.com.

Restore Equality 2010 stated in a press release the group would miss its 694,354 signature requirement to put initiatives on the ballot in California, the article stated.

“We’re definitely going to be working on a ballot initiative [in 2012],” Sean Bohac, Restore Equality 2010 state advisory panel chair, told the Advocate, “and we’re going to be working on that with a cadre of supportive organizations.”

For the original Advocate article, click here.

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